
Key Species
Silver Pheasant, Chinese Bamboo Partridge, Chinese Barbet, Drongo Cuckoo (summer), Oriental Scops Owl, Orange-headed Thrush. Asian House Martin Grey Bushchat, Rufescent Prinia and Bull-headed Shrike have been recorded here in winter.
Other Species

Other Wildlife

This site appears to be improving with a number of new species recorded in recent years. Asian House Martin breeds under the eaves of the upper chairlift station - this is the only site I am aware of in Guangdong. Chinese Barbet is now quite common here, the closest site to Hong Kong. Both Drongo Cuckoo and Orange-headed Thrush appear to breed in the old forest around the foot of Lion Hill. One of the best birding options is to take the chairlift up the mountain to approx. 700m and from that point either hike to the summit or bird along the contour road on the right. The summit area is treeless and in the less exposed parts a thick dwarf bamboo dominates that might support parrotbills and bush warblers. The northern face of the mountain has not been explored and should be better than the more disturbed southern side.
Habitat and Vegetation

Getting there
From Hong Kong take a train to Shilong 石龙. A bus from Shilong towards Boluo 博罗will get you on the main road from Guangzhou to Huizhou 蕙州. Disembark at the junction to Chang Ning 长宁 and get a motorbike to take you the last few kilometres to Luo Fu Shan. There are many hotels in the Rmb100-250 range. The entrance fee to the reserve and hotels area around the small lake costs Rmb60. It is possible to rent accommodation in the area at the top of the chairlift (which costs Rmb40 one way, Rmb70 return). The contact telephone number for these chalets is (0752) 6668777.
General Information
County: Bo Luo Area: 24 sq. kmAltitude: 100-1281m Location: 23°20’N, 114°00’E
Disturbance: tourist and hunting pressure. There is a new highway passing by the foot of the mountain and at weekends large numbers of tour buses now come here. A new road is being built up the mountain as far as the chairlift, and the forest on the southern side is being substantially disturbed.