
Key Species

Other Species
The formerly quiet, mostly disused, army tracks which are well tree-lined with Hackberrys and Chinese privet are perfect for thrushes and chats. Finches are attracted to the seeding trees and this is a particularly good place to Yellow-billed Grosbeak and Common Rosefinch. Near the stream the younger trees are excellent for birds such as Daurian Redstart and Red-throated Flycatcher.
Other Wildlife
Thai squirrels are found in the trees here. There are plenty of snakes in the area in the autumn.
Rare and uncommon species regularly turn up at this site. For example on 2 Nov 2013 a female Bull-headed Shrike was found here.
Habitat and Vegetation
Getting there
The site is easily accessed by taking the MTR to Kam Sheung Road and then either walking there or getting a green taxi for about HK$20.
General Information
Disturbance: the area is now significantly disturbed by heavy lorries coming and leaving from the high speed rail site nearby. Moreover, the light planes and helicopters overhead landing and taking off from the adjacent airfield can be an annoyance. Despite all this the birds are still there.
Daurian Redstart | Grey-backed Thrush |