Henan 河南

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Henan is under-birded, there is little doubt about that. However, there are plenty of reserves and no doubt also plenty of birding discoveries to be made.


Key Species

Key species for the province include Reeves' Pheasant.
The province is also at the northern edge of the breeding range of a number of passerines including Godlewksi’s and Yellow-throated Bunting.



There are a total of 22 reserves, mostly found around the perimeter of the province.


Geography of the Province

The northern part of the province is dominated by the Yellow River 黄河 and its environs. The far North is mostly mountainous and contains some interesting reserves. In the north-west the Funiu Shan region is an extension of the Qinling mountains.


Habitat and Vegetation

It is likely that the original forest cover was deciduous broad-leaved oak forests.



There are daily flights from Hong Kong to the capital Zhengzhou 郑州 with China Southern airlines.






Maps of the province are readily available.